Who became kamikaze pilots, and how did they feel towards their suicide mission?
This extended essay is about the
Kamikaze pilots who made suicide attacks from theair during the Pacific War. This paper
aims to find who the pilots really were and howthey felt about their suicide mission.
The hypothesis for the research was that any pilotcould become a Kamikaze pilot, and
that the pilots probably felt scared, yet took theresponsibility to carry out their
mission.Most of the investigations were made
through primary sources. Since the Kamikazeattacks were made from bases in
Kyushu, there are several museums there whereinformation may be found. There, the
actual letters and diaries that the pilots had leftbehind are displayed. Also, fifteen
interviews with survivors of the attacks, relatives andother people related to the attacks
were made. Since the Kamikaze attacks were madeonly fifty years ago, a great quantity
of documents was available.The time period in concern is from
early 1944 to 1945, and the topic being theKamikaze pilots, and the region of
research was within Japan, mainly Kyushu.The conclusion of this extended essay
was that the pilots were ordinary, average youngmen of the time who volunteered, and
that most felt that their dying in such a missionwould improve the war situation for
the Japanese. However, exactly how the pilots feltcould not be fully understood by a
student researching the topic fifty years after theactual attack.
In blossom today, then scattered:
Life is so like a delicate
flower.How can one expect the fragrance
To last for ever?
—Admiral Onishi Takijiro
During World War II in the Pacific,
there were pilots of the Japanese Imperial Armyand Navy who made suicide attacks,
driving their planes to deliberately crash intocarriers and battle- ships of the
Allied forces. These were the pilots known as theKamikaze pilots. This essay focuses on
how they felt about their suicide mission.Because right-wing organizations have
used the Kamikaze pilots as a symbol of amilitaristic and extremely
nationalistic Japan, the current Japanese respond to the issuewith ignorance and false stereotypes
and with generally negative and unsympatheticremarks. The aim of this essay is to
reveal the often unknown truth concerning thepilots, and above all to give a
clearer image as to who the pilots really were.The hypothesis behind the question,
«Who were the Kamikaze pilots and how did theyfeel towards their suicide
mission?» is that any pilot devoted to the country, whovolunteered and was chosen felt
scared, yet took the responsibility to carry out hismission.
Part One
The death of Emperor Taisho may be the
point when Japan had started to become thefascist state that it was during the
Pacific War. Although the military had been activeever since the Jiji period (1867-1912)
in wars such as the Sino-Japanese War(1894-1895), and the Russo-Japanese
War (1904-1905), it became extremely activewhen Crown Prince Hirohito became
Emperor Showa. Coup d’etats became frequent,and several political figures were
assassinated. By Emperor Showa’s reign, the militaryhad the real authority.[1]
According to those who have lived
through the early Showa period (1926-1945), thepresence of Emperor Showa was like
that of a god and he was more of a religiousfigure than a political one.[2] In
many of the haiku that the Kamikaze pilots wrote, theEmperor is mentioned in the first
line.Systematic and organized education
made such efficient «brainwashing» possible. Inpublic schools, students were taught
to die for the emperor. By late 1944, a slogan ofJusshi Reisho meaning «Sacrifice
life,» was taught.[3]Most of the pilots who volunteered for
the suicide attacks were those who were bornlate in the Taisho period (1912-1926)
or in the first two or three years of Showa.Therefore, they had gone through the
brainwashing education, and were products ofthe militaristic Japan.
Censorship brought restrictions on the
Japanese people. The letters, diaries, andphotographs of individual soldiers
were all censored. Nothing revealing where theywere, or what they were doing
concerning the military, could be communicated.[4]Major restrictions were placed on the
press, radio and other media. The public was notto be informed of defeats or damage on
the Japanese side. Only victories and damageimposed on the Allies were to be
announced.[5]Another factor that created the
extreme atmosphere in Japan were the «Kenpeitai,» apart of the Imperial Army which
checked on the civilians to see if they were saying ordoing anything against the Emperor or
the military.[6]Since the time of feudalism,
especially during the Tokugawa period, a warrior mustfollow the Bushido. This Code, and a
culture which viewed suicide and the death ofyoung people as beautiful were factors
contributing to the mass suicides.[7]Part Two
Although it was only from 1944 that
the General Staff had considered mountingorganized suicide attacks,[8]
«suicide attacks» had been made since the Japaneseattack on Pearl Harbor.[9] Two types
of suicide attacks had been made. The first wasan organized attack which would, in
90% of the cases, result in the death of thesoldiers. However, if the plan had
worked on the battlefield as it did in theory, therewas some possibility that the soldiers
would survive.[10] The other type of suicideattack that had been made was
completely voluntary, and the result of a suddendecision. This was usually done by
aircraft. The pilots, finding no efficient way to fightthe American aircraft, deliberately
crashed into them, and caused an explosion,destroying the American aircraft as
well as killing themselves.[11]Because these voluntary suicide
attacks had shown that the young pilots had the spiritof dying rather than being defeated,
by February, 1944, the staff officers had started tobelieve that although they were way
below the Americans in the number of aircraft,battleships, skillful pilots and
soldiers, and in the amount of natural resources (oil, forexample), they were above the
Americans in the number of young men who would fightto the death rather than be defeated.
By organizing the «Tokkotai,» they thought itwould also attack the Americans
psychologically, and make them lose their will tocontinue the war.[12] The person who
suggested the Kamikaze attack at first isunknown, but it is often thought to be
Admiral Takijiro Onishi. However, Onishi was inthe position to command the first Shinpu
Tokubetsu Kogekitai rather than suggestit.[13]
In October, 1944, the plans for the
organized suicide attacks became reality. Havingreceived permission from the Minister
of the Navy, Admiral Onishi entered Clark AirBase prepared to command the first
organized suicide attacks.[14] Onishi had notthought the organized suicide attacks
to be an efficient tactic, but that they would be apowerful battle tactic, and he
believed that it would be the best and most beautifulplace for the pilots to die. Onishi
once said, «if they (the young pilots) are on land, theywould be bombed down, and if they are
in the air, they would be shot down. That’ssad…Too sad…To let the young men
die beautifully, that’s what Tokko is. To givebeautiful death, that’s called
sympathy.»[15]This statement makes sense,
considering the relative skills of the pilots of the time. By1944, air raids were made all over
Japan, especially in the cities. Most of the bestpilots of the Navy and the Army had
been lost in previous battles. Training time wasgreatly reduced to the minimum, or
even less than was necessary in order to train apilot. By the time the organized
suicide attacks had started, the pilots only had theability to fly, not to fight. Although
what happens to the pilot himself in doing the suicideattack is by no means anywhere near
beauty, to die in such a way, for the Emperor,and for the country, was (at the
time), honorable.One thing that was decided upon by the
General Staff was that the Kamikaze attackswere to be made only if it was in the
will of the pilot himself. It was too much of a taskto be «commanded.»[16]
The first organized suicide attack was
made on October 21, 1944 by a squadroncalled the Shinpu Tokubetsu
Kogekitai.[17] Tokubetsu Kogekitai was the namegenerally used in the Japanese
Imperial Navy and Army. The public had known themas the Tokkotai, the abbreviated form.
Tokkotai referred to all the organized suicideattacks. Shinpu is what is better
known as Kamikaze.[18] The captain of the firstattack was to be Captain Yukio
Seki.[19]How was Captain Seki talked into such
a task? According to the subcommander of theFirst Air Fleet, Tamai, who brought
the issue up to Captain Seki, the Captain had in ashort time replied «I understand.
Please let me do it.»[20] According to another source,the reply that Captain Seki gave was,
«Please let me think about it one night. I willaccept the offer tomorrow
morning.»[21]The document which seems to have the
most credibility is the book, The Divine Windby Captain Rikihei Inoguchi and
Commander Tadashi Nakajima. According to thisaccount a graduate of the Naval
Academy, Naoshi Kanno, was originally nominated asthe leader of this mission. However,
he was away from Mabalacat on a mission tomainland Japan. Therefore, to take
Kanno’s place Captain Seki was chosen, and wascalled to Commander Tamai’s room at
midnight. After hearing of the mission, itappears, Seki remained silent for a
while, then replied, «You must let me do it.»[22]The reason this is the most credible
document is because it had been written byCaptain Rikihei Inoguchi, who was
actually there with Tamai and Seki, and named thefirst unit, Shinpu. It is doubtful
that there was a flaw in his memory since the book waspublished in 1959, only 14 years after
the war.In any case, Captain Seki agreed to
lead the first Kamikaze attack, and, on October25, 1944 during the battle off Samos,
made one of the first attacks, on the Americanaircraft carrier Saint Lo.[23]
Twenty-six fighter planes were prepared, of which halfwere to escort and the other half to
make the suicide mission. That half was dividedinto the Shikishima, Yamato, Asahi and
Yamazakura.[24]Part Three
The youngest of the Kamikaze pilots of
the Imperial Army was 17 years old,[25] andthe oldest, 35.[26] Most of them were
in their late teens, or early twenties. As thebattle in Okinawa [April to June 1945]
worsened, the average age of the pilots gotyounger. Some had only completed the
equivalent of an elementary school and middleschool combined. Some had been to
college. There was a tendency for them not to befirst sons. The eldest sons usually
took over the family business. Most were thereforethe younger sons who did not need to
worry about the family business.Most of those who had come from
college came in what is called the GakutoShutsujin. This was when the college
students’ exemption from being drafted into themilitary was lifted, and the
graduation of the seniors was shifted from April 1944 toSeptember 1943.[27]
Many of these students were from
prestigious colleges such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Keio,and Waseda Universities. These
students from college tended to have more liberalideas, not having been educated in
military schools, and also were more aware of theworld outside of Japan.
Where were the pilots trained? All the
pilots involved in the «Okinawa Tokko» hadbeen trained in/as one of the
following: The Youth Pilot Training School, Candidates forSecond Lieutenant, The Imperial Army
Air Corps Academy, Pilot Trainee, FlightOfficer Candidates, Special Flight
Officer Probationary Cadet, Pilot Training Schools,or Special Flight Officer
Candidate.[28]Part Four
Since the Kamikaze attacks were to be
made only if the pilots had volunteered, andcould not be «commanded,»
there were two methods to collect volunteers. One was forall pilots in general, and another was
for the Special Flight Officer Probationary Cadet(College graduates) only. The former
was an application form, and the latter was asurvey. The survey asked: «Do you
desire earnestly/wish/do not wish/to be involved inthe Kamikaze attacks?» They had
to circle one of the three choices, or leave the paperblank. The important fact is that the
pilots were required to sign their names.[29] Whenthe military had the absolute power,
and the whole atmosphere of Japan expected mento die for the country, there was great
psychological pressure to circle «earnestlydesire« or »wish.» The
Army selected those who had circled «earnestly desire.» Thereason that the Special Flight Officer
Probationary Cadet had to answer such a surveyrather than send the applications at
their own will was probably because the militaryhad known that the students who had
come from college had a wider vision, and wouldnot easily apply for such a mission.
For the regular application, the Army was confidentthat there would be many young pilots
who would apply. They were correct. Everystudent of the 15th term of the Youth
Pilot Training School had applied. Because therewere so many volunteers, the military
had decided to let the ones with better grades gofirst.[30]
There are several factors which made
so many young pilots volunteer for such amission. Extreme patriotism must have
been one factor for sure. Added to that, therewas the reverence for the Emperor, a
god. Some say that it was generally believed thatif one died for the emperor, and was
praised in Yasukuni Shrine, they would becomehappy forever.[31]
The effect of the brainwashing that
the military had done to the students is surprising.The pilots felt it was
«obvious» that they were to take part in the Kamikaze attacks.Most pilots mention in letters that
they were happy, and proud of being given such anhonorable mission. It is true also
that they believed that if they took part in the mission,it might improve the war situation for
Japan.[32]What the military education was like
was described in a diary kept by Corporal YukioAraki, from the time he had entered
the Youth Pilot Training School, until the nightbefore his original date of departure
for Okinawa.Since anything written was checked by
one of the military staff, nothing that wouldupset the military or contradict the
ideas of the Japanese government could be written.However, more importantly, because of
the lack of privacy, personal emotions couldnot be written. Therefore, in Corporal
Araki’s diary, very rarely can anything «personal»be found. The first several days in
the Training school, he simply lists the subjects thatwere studied that day, and what was
done for physical training. Later on he mentionswhat was done for training, the events
that took place, and other things he had done.However, most of what he wrote was
about the «warning» he received.[33] Thefollowing are some of the
«warnings» he had received:There is an attitude problem when
listening to the officers.[34]Some students seem to smile or
laugh during training, and others are beinglazy…In general there seems to
be a lack of spirit.[35]Straighten yourself. It reveals
your spirit.[36]The education emphasized the mind,
spirit and attitude. Neatness and cleanliness werealso frequently mentioned. Usually, a
hard slap in the face accompanied these warnings.The way the 15-year- old boy responded
to the warning was: «I must try harder.»[37]One of the listed subjects in the
diary was a course called «Spiritual Moral Lecture,»nearly every other day. What exactly
was taught in the course is not mentioned.However it seemed that in some of
these courses, great military figures who died forJapan were mentioned.[38] It is a
certainty that this course was one factor in makingthe pilots feel «happy and
proud» to be involved in the Kamikaze attacks.The military education was quickly
absorbed by these young pilots-to-be. It was inOctober 1943 that the young boy had
entered the Training School. By the nextFebruary, he had written a short poem
saying that a Japanese man should be praisedwhen he dies as he should for the
Emperor.[39]The amount of time students spent in
the Youth Pilot Training School was reduced fromthree years to less than two years for
the 15th term students. Therefore, the schedulewas tight and tough.[40] There was
almost no holiday at all, and many of the plannedholidays were canceled.[41] What
Corporal Araki called a «holiday» was very muchdifferent from what is normally
considered a holiday. An example of his holiday startedwith some sort of ceremony, followed
by listening and learning new songs (probably ofwar), and watching a movie. Something
related to the military was taught even on dayscalled «holidays.»[42]
Therefore, they were given no time to «think.» There wassomething to do almost every minute
that they were awake, and they were taught whatthe right spirit was. By not giving
them time to think, they had no time to evaluate whatthey were being taught. They just
absorbed it, and as a result, by the time theygraduated, they were brainwashed.
Corporal Araki had an older brother
and three younger brothers. In his will to hisparents, he mentioned that he wished
two of his younger brothers to also enter themilitary; one should enter the Navy
and become an officer, the other to enter the Armyand also become an officer. He also
mentions that he wishes that his brothers follow hispath (and be involved in the Kamikaze
attacks).[43]Mr. S. Araki, Corporal Araki’s older
brother, mentioned that his brother had greatlychanged after entering the military
school. He remembers that his brother’s attitudetowards him was not casual, and it was
not like he was talking to a brother. He felt thathe had really grown up since he had
seen him last, both physically andpsychologically.[44]
There are three references in which
Corporal Araki’s thoughts towards the mission maybe found: his will, last letters, and
his diary. In his will to his parents, and to his brother,he mentions that he has no nostalgic
sentiments. In his will addressed to his brother, hementions that he would like him to
consider the mission as piety. In a postcard sent onthe day of his mission, he calls the
mission, «an honorable mission,» and that he islooking forward to see them again at
Yasukuni Shrine.[45] It was in the end of March1945, that Corporal Araki«s unit»s
mission was ordered to take place.[46] From justbefore then, Corporal Araki had not
written in his diary. After an entry on March 16,there were no entries for two months.
He wrote, because he was busy, there was notime to write.[47] Could that be true?
Indeed, his squadron was on a tight schedule forMarch. From the 25th, they returned
from P’yongyang to Gifu prefecture.[48]However, Sergeant Kazuo Arai had been
able to keep a diary at the time.[49] It maybe because of strong personal emotions
he just could not keep the diary. Or, it may bethat he could care no longer about
keeping a diary. In either case the fact that he hadnot written an entry on the day that
the mission was officially ordered, when he hadwritten every other special event
down, reveals that he was no longer in the state ofmind that he had been.
The planned date of the mission of the
72nd Shinbu squadron (which was the squadronto which Corporal Araki belonged) was
initially, May 21, 1945. However, because ofrainy weather, it was postponed to May
27, 1945. In his last diary entry on May 20,1945, he wrote:[50]
…at ** o’clock I received the
thankful command to depart tomorrow. Iam deeply emotional, and just
hope to sink one (American battleship).Already, hundreds of visitors had
visited us. Cheerfully singing the lastseason of farewell.[51]
and is cut off there. His handwriting
however was very stable, and was not as if he waslosing control. If for some reason he
had to leave the diary for a while, why did he notgo back to it? Was it that he had
become extremely emotional that he could no longerwrite? In any case, he never returned
to his diary.Part Five
In reading the last letters of the
Kamikaze pilots, there are generally two types. One,the «Typical» letters and
the other, the «Unique» letters. Most of the typical letters werewritten by graduates of military
schools such as the Youth Pilot Training School. The«Unique» ones were written
by the Special Flight Officer Probationary Cadets—thegraduates from college. The first two
of the following five pilots have written a typicalletter, and the other three have
written unique letters.Corporal Masato Hisanaga of the 72nd
Shinbu Squadron was twenty years old. In hisletter, he thanked his parents for the
years that he was alive, and reported to them howhe had been doing, and informed them
of the kindness of the people where he hadbeen. After asking his parents to say
«Hi» to various people, he says that he will takerevenge for his older brother (who, as
it appears, must have been killed in the war) bysinking the enemy’s battleship and
killing its soldiers. He too asks that his youngerbrothers follow their brother
(himself). «All of the (Japanese) population is thetokkotai.» He too mentioned,
«I have no nostalgic sentiments.»[52]Corporal Shinji Ozeki, 19 years old
wrote a will to his mother saying:[53]As a man I will courageously go.
Now, I have no special nostalgicsentiments. However, I will go
regretting that although being born a man, Ihave not had filial piety.
To give this young self for the
protection of the imperial nation, I believe ispiety.
I hope that you will forgive my
sin of being undutiful and that you will livein happiness.[54]
This is similar to what Corporal Araki
and Hisanaga had mentioned. All reveal theirthoughts towards their parents. They
believed their dying was piety, which shows thatthey were doing it for their family.
All had mentioned having no nostalgic sentimentspossibly to make their parents feel
easier. Because these are «Typical» letters, manyothers had written just as they had.
The unique ones written by the college
graduates included more personal feelings. Forexample, Second Lieutenant Shigeyuki
Suzuki wrote:[55]People say that our feeling is of
resignation, but that does not know at allhow we feel, and think of us as a
fish about to be cooked.Young blood does flow in us.
There are persons we love, we
think of, and many unforgettablememories. However, with those, we
cannot win the war.To let this beautiful Japan keep
growing, to be released from the wickedhands of the Americans and
British, and to build a «freed Asia» was ourgoal from the Gakuto Shutsujin
year before last; yet nothing has changed.The great day that we can
directly be in contact with the battle is our dayof happiness and at the same
time, the memorial of our death…[56]Second Lieutenant Ryoji Uehara, a
graduate of Keio University was 22 years old. Hisideas were «radical» for the
time, and if known by the Kenpeitai, he would not havebeen left alone.[57] In a note, he
wrote to a journalist just before his mission that hewas greatly honored to be chosen as a
Kamikaze pilot.[58 ]Yet he also wrote, thinkinglogically with the skills he had
gained in college. He believed in democracy. He believedthat the victory of democracy was
obvious, and although fascism would make thecountry appear to be prosperous
temporarily, only decline would wait for it. Hementioned the fact that Fascist Italy
and Nazi Germany had been defeated, and that thepower of «Freedom» will
appear in history. He says that if his ideas were correct, itwould be a tragedy for the nation but
that he would be happy. In the end of the note hewrote:
Tomorrow, one believer in
democracy will leave this world. He may looklonely, but his heart is filled
with satisfaction.Second Lieutenant Uehara believed that
he would not go to Yasukuni Shrine, but go toheaven where he would be able to meet
his brother and the girl he loved, who diedearlier.[59]
Second Lieutenant Toshio Anazawa was
engaged. Yet being chosen for such a missionthat [engagement] was to be canceled.
He wrote in his last letter to her all thethankfulness he felt for her and her
family. He tells her that he does not want her toreflect on the time they had spent
together.[60] He wrote:As an engaged man, as a man to
go, I would like to say a little to you, alady before I go.
I only wish your happiness.
Do not mind the past. You are not
to live in the past.Have the courage and forget the
past. You are to create a new future.You are to live from moment to
moment in the reality. Anazawa no longerexists in the reality.[61]
Unlike the first two letters, which
contained the words, «I have no nostalgic emotions,»he wrote: «It’s too late now, but
I would like to say some of my wishes.»He then listed the books he wanted to
read, what he wanted to see, what he wanted tolisten to, and that he was eager to
see her, and to talk to her.[62]The last three writings probably spoke
for themselves and require no furtherexplanation. They just made clearer
the different ways of thought the college studentshad from the others who attended
military school.Not only in writing had the thoughts
of the pilots appeared. In actions, and in speechestoo were the emotions visible.
Corporal Mineyoshi Takahashi, according to Mr. YasuoTakahashi, his older brother, had
changed since entering military school, and hisattitude in talking with Mr. Takahashi
was not as it used to be.[63] (The way Mr. Y.Takahashi explained the differences
before and after Mineyoshi joined the military wassimilar to the way Mr. S. Araki had
explained Yukio’s changes.) He remembers thatthe last time they met, he took
Corporal Takahashi into the ship he was working in.Suddenly, Corporal Takahashi had asked
his brother: «Which part of the ship is theweakest?» Mr. Takahashi remembers
that he was extremely surprised, but pointed tothe place which he knew was the
weakest.[64]This reveals that Corporal Takahashi
was thinking of his mission rather calmly. He hadasked the question, probably thinking
of which part of the ship he should drive his planeinto.[65]
Corporal Takamasa Senda before his
departure had been singing many songs withchildren, and at times, sat quietly
alone, burning old letters in an expression of deepthought. The last night, he looked up
at the stars and said, «You are lucky, this will bethe last time I see the stars…I
wonder how my mother is doing….»[66] His singing withthe children was probably to forget
the coming mission, and his burning the letters wasto forget the past. Saying that he
wanted to be able to see the stars again is anindication that he wanted to live.
Whether patriotism was the answer to
the way they felt can be doubted in the case ofSecond Lieutenant Fumihiro Mitsuyama.
His real name was Tak Kyong-Hyong.[67]He was Korean, but like other Japanese
men, he too was sent to war, and was chosenas a Kamikaze pilot. The last evening
before his mission, he went to the cafeteriaappointed by the Army, which was run
by a lady, Mrs. Tome Torihama, who wascalled «Okasan» (mother) by
the young Kamikaze pilots of Chiran Air Base. He wentup to her and said, «I will sing
you a song of my country,» and sang Ariran. By thesecond verse he was in tears.[68]
Because he was a graduate of college, he had notvolunteered willingly but was probably
pressured to circle «desire earnestly» in thesurvey, especially being a Korean.
According to survivors, all say that
they felt quite calm, and normal. They were notscared of death but were happy that
the day had finally come.[69] Mr. Itatsu was apilot who had departed for the mission
but because his engine had stopped on the way,his plane fell into the sea, and he
survived.[70] He says that he remembers being happywhen he was chosen for the
mission.[71] He said that the young people then who hadgone into military schools did not
have the ability to think logically, and therefore sentapplications without much thought. He
also says that these pilots were really innocent,and thought purely that they would be
able to serve, and protect the country.[72] Anauthor and a critic, Tadao Morimoto
said in a T.V. program that he believes that it wasnot true that they were happy to die
for the country.[73] Mr. Itatsu says that hedisagrees with him because some young
and innocent pilots died believing they couldbecome happy dying that way.[74] Since
Mr. Itatsu was one of the Kamikaze pilotshimself, his comments should be given
more credibility than the comments made byTadao Morimoto who had been an officer
in the Navy during the war, but was notinvolved with the Kamikaze attacks
himself.Kiichi Matsuura, the author of the
book Showa wa Toku (Showa Far Away) wrotethat he recalls the first planned date
of the mission was like every other day, and nospecial conversation took place. When
he found that his aircraft would not functionproperly, he suddenly felt the strong
urge to live. His aircraft not functioning implied thathe would not die. Realizing that, he
could only think of living. On his second «chance»his plane was fine halfway. He was
with two other pilots, and seeing one of them sinkinto the sea, realized a problem in
all their engines. The two returned. He recalls thatuntil the moment they decided to
return, he was not at all scared, because they wereflying toward death. However,
returning was frightening. He had to protect his life fromdeath.[75]
Finally, in an interview with a member
of the Self Defense Force, Mr. Matsunaga, aword which held the key to a better
understanding was mentioned. The word was«decision.» To the question,
«If something happened, would you not be afraid?» heanswered that it was his decision to
enter such a world, and that he would not escape ifanything did occur.[76] Similarly,
although it was with far more psychological pressure,all the Kamikaze pilots had made the
The pilots were, as a matter of fact,
not radical nor extremely patriotic, but were theaverage Japanese of the time. It was a
dream for the young boys of late Taisho periodand early Showa to serve in the
military, especially in the Air Force, as a career. Not allpilots who wanted to become Kamikaze
pilots could become one. Although this maysound strange, there were so many
volunteers to make the suicidal and fatal attacks,that the military, to be fair, had to
let the ones with the better grades go earlier. Becauseof the aura that had covered Japan,
the young pilots of 18 and 19 were eager to go.Those of the Special Flight Officer
Probationary Cadets who had their own thoughtslike Second lieutenants Suzuki,
Uehara, and Anazawa were able to separate theirpersonal life from what was required
of them to do for the war. They felt theresponsibility to go.
How exactly the pilots felt about the
attacks could not be known but it seems that theywere, in general, happy that they
could serve the country, but had other thoughtstowards death. Because the
brainwashing done on the pilots trained in military schoolswas so effective, it changed the
priority of «life, then country,» the other way around.Life was made, by the atmosphere and
education of the time, to be not the first priority,but something that must be given up
for the first priority, the Emperor and the country.If they believed that ever-lasting
happiness would follow their mission, there wasnothing for them to fear. Those who
were not brainwashed (the college graduates) mayhave felt fear. If they were able to
detach themselves totally from life, they might havefelt better. Yet is detaching oneself
from life really possible?In any case, it seems that they were
all optimistic. They volunteered, believing theirdeath might save their family, the
ones they loved, and Japan. However, as a studentinvestigating fifty years after the
events, it was not possible for me to understand exactlyhow the pilots had felt towards their
mission.Appendix One
The Different Pilots’ Training Schools
in The Imperial Army Where the Kamikaze PilotsWere Trained
The Youth Pilot Training School
The students who had graduated
from the Youth Pilot Training schools had thebest flying skills of the
Imperial Army. This schooling system had begun in 1933,and lasted until the end of the
Pacific War. The age range that was accepted intothis school was between 14 and
17. Originally, the time spent in the school wasthree years. One year of general
education in Tokyo and two years ofspecialized education in various
parts of Japan. However, by the end of the war,the students of the 15th term
were trained in only a year and 8 months and weremade into soldiers just in time
for the Okinawa Tokko.Candidates for Second Lieutenant
Non-commissioned officers whose
excellence was recognized were educated inthe Air Corps Academy. Because of
their experience and career, their skill wasof a high level.
Imperial Army Air Corps Academy
Students who had completed the
four-year course of Middle School or theHigher Elementary School took an
examination to enter. They became civilservants who had decided to work
in the Army. Graduates of the 56th and 57thterm were involved in the Okinawa
Tokko.Pilot Trainee
The pilot trainees had to have a
pilot’s license, and had to be an OfficerCandidate. After one month in a
squadron, they received six months of flighttraining in the Imperial Army Air
Corps Academy of Kumagaya, and after sixmonths as probationary Officer,
became Second Lieutenants. Among thestudents of the Ninth term, there
were graduates of the Higher Pilot trainingschools.
Flight Officer Candidates
Officer candidates consisted of
drafted men with at least Middle Schooleducation. After four months of
preliminary education, a test was taken. If theypassed the test, they received
the required education for officers, and if found fitfor the position were ranked as
Higher Officer Candidates. After serving asprobationary officers, they were
ranked as Second Lieutenants. If they were notfound fit as an officer, they
became the Lower Officer Candidates and becamenon-commissioned officers. Those
who had the interest in flying received trainingwith the Special Flight Officer
Probationary Cadet in the Imperial Air CorpsAcademy. The students of the 7th,
8th, and 9th term were involved in theOkinawa Tokko.
Special Flight Officer Probationary
CadetsThis was for the college students
drafted into the war by the Gakuto Shutsujinwho were interested in the Air
Corps. The 1st term entered in October 1943,the 2nd in December 1943, and the
3rd in June 1944. They were made intoSecond Lieutenants in one year,
half a year earlier than planned. One sixth of theentire Okinawa Tokko of the Army
was made up of these 312 cadets.Pilot Training Schools
This was not an institution
belonging to the Army, but belonged to the Ministry ofCommunications. However, the
content was almost the same. There weretwelve of these schools and the
students were separated into the regular courseand flight training course.
Students of fourteen to fifteen years old entered theregular course. After three years
of regular education, the students received oneyear of flight training which the
students of the flight training course hadcompleted. To enter the flight
training school from the beginning, an educationalbackground of more than Middle
School graduation was required. 108 of thegraduates died in the Okinawa
Tokko.Appendix Two
The 72nd Shinbu Squadron
Many of the Kamikaze pilots mentioned
in the Essay were pilots of the 72nd Shinbu-taiof the Imperial Army. The following
are pilots of the squadron:Title
Name Age at DepartureCaptain:
First Lieutenant Mutsuo
Sato 24Sergeant Nobuyoshi
NishikawaSergeant Kazuo
Arai 21Corporal Yukio
Araki 17Corporal Tsutomu
Hayakawa 19Corporal Kairyu
KanamotoCorporal Atsunobu
SasakiCorporal Kaname
Takahashi 18Corporal Mineyoshi
Takahashi 17Corporal Masato
Hisanaga 20Corporal Toshio
Chizaki 19Corporal Takamasa
Senda 19This squadron was formed on January
30, 1945 as the 113 Educational Flight Corps,then was transformed to the 23rd
Rensei Flight Corps. On March 30, 1945, the sameunit was renamed the 72nd Shinbu Squadron.
(Shinbu refers to the squadrons of theImperial Army which made the suicide
attacks by aircraft.) They were stationed inHeijo, what is now P’yongyan of North
Korea. From March 25, 1944, they were inKagamihara, Gifu prefecture for about
one month. Before the mission in May, the unitreturned to Kyushu, and stayed in
Metabaru, for a few days, and flew over to BanseiAir Base. Their attack was first
planned to be made on May 20, 1945, however it waspostponed to May 27, 1945 due to rainy
weather.Of the twelve pilots, three did not
depart for the suicide attack. Corporal AtsunobuSasaki was killed by an American P 51
on May 2, 1945 in China. On the same day,Sergeant Nobuyoshi Nishikawa was
injured, and could not take part in the mission.The aircraft of Kairyu Kanamoto
malfunctioned on the day of their mission, and couldnot take off. The remaining nine made
their mission from Bansei Air Base at 6:00 a.m.,May 27, 1945.
Appendix Three
The Research Method
The first time I learned of this topic
was in August, 1992. It was the time when I wentwith my parents to Japan and visited
manmuseums and talked to many people whoseage varied from12 to 60 and they have
told me many stories about war.There, a great number of primary
sources and photographs were displayed, whichmade me even more interested in the
topic.Since the summer of 1992, the
collection of information started, with no academicpurpose. In 1993, the book Rikugun
Saigo no Tokko Kichi by Shichiro Naemurawas published. This book was about the
Kamikaze pilots who departed from BanseiAir Base.
That summer of 1993 was crucial to my
interest in the Kamikaze pilots. First, I visitedChiran Tokko Heiwa Kaikan again on
August 21, and looked in more detail at theletters, diaries and photographs of
the pilots. The photographs were extremely inspiringin a sense, since in none of them were
the pilots showing an expression of fatigue, orregret. Most of them were smiling.
On the same night, I decided to spend
the evening at «Tomiya Ryokan» which is whatused to be the small restaurant Ms.
Tome Torihama ran during the war, and which theKamikaze pilots used frequently. There
were several photographs of the Kamikazepilots remaining there. Mr. Yoshikiyo
Torihama, the grandson of Ms. Tome Torihama,talked to me about many episodes
concerning the last evening the pilots visited therestaurant.
Since May 1993 I thought it would be a
wonderful opportunity to organize my thoughtsand information on this topic.
This essay was extremely interesting
and, above all, meaningful for me. Themembers of the older generation who I
interviewed encouraged and supported metremendously.
Appendix Four
The following are those who have
supported and encouraged my research for theExtended Essay: (in alphabetical
order)Mr. Seiichi Araki
Mr. Tadamasa Itatsu
Ms. Itsuko Kai
Mrs. Masako Kai
Mr. Kyoichi Kamei
Mrs. Fusako Manabe
Mr. Ryo Matsunaga
Mr. Shiniro Nagao
Mr. Tadashi Nakajima
Mr. Glenn Scoggins
Mr. Tohshio Senda
Mr. Yasuo Takahashi
Mr. Yoshikiyo Torihama
Mr. Akira Yamami